Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stocking Up On A 'Few' Things...

I've mentioned before that I recently started couponing.  Now let me be clear that I'm not one of those coupon clippers who will be stocked up on everything under the sun for the next fifty years, but I do like to make sure I stock up on things that we use everyday.  So here are a few pics of some of my loot just for my sister who has recently gotten into couponing as well.
Total $7.00
Total $23.00
Total $15.00
I've heard that if you store your cleaning wipes upside down it keeps them from drying out.
Andrew considers our linen closet to be a store... haha
We've got a pretty good supply of toothpaste don't ya think :)
Here's my food storage closet... it's kinda out of control right now and in need of some serious revamping.  It's one of the spaces that we've just used what we had to make it work, but it doesn't really work.  You know what I mean?  I'm sure we're not the only people who do this.  Anyways, I'm contemplating on making some changes here soon.
I don't even have room for the stuff I've stocked up on anymore and our basement is starting to look like a grocery store exploded.  My one and three year old think it's great though.  I've caught them down there several times getting into fruit snacks or juice boxes.  I definitely need to do something.


  1. I'm jealous! Look how awesome your storage is! I wish I was HALF as stocked up as you! That's awesome!

  2. I'm so proud of you!!! Good job!!!

  3. Thanks :) Don't you just wanna stare at it all the time? It makes me happy to lay it all out and stare :)


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